Thursday 2 January 2014

Space Age

The space age began during pop design. It all started when President JF Kennedy announced before a special joint session of Congress the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending an American safely to the Moon before the end of the decade. There was great competition between Russia and America to see who’d make it to the moon first. During my research and reading about the competition there was between the Russians and Americans I remembered that in the movie Rocky 4 they showed how big and important it was for them to compete with the Russians the Americans – Apollo Creed, made a huge spectacular entrance which amazed the Russian boxer Drago. When the second fight was held in Russia they also did another important entrance but not as spectacular as the Americans it was strict and ‘war’ like but when the fight ended and Rocky won he did a small speech telling everyone that if he could change then everyone could. This meant that all this competition was for nothing and because of the cold war too. I was surprised how a boxing movie involved the competition there was between Americans and Russians.

Speech clip-

Anyhow back to Space age this inspired designer’s especially fashion designers. Clothing was now made from pvc and silver and white fabric. Fashion looked futuristic and something which they’ve never had before it gave women a completely new look/style.

Andre’ Courreges designed for vogue and which included high skirts and dresses with geometric patterns and cut-outs, space-like helmets, and mid-shin and PVC boots, inspired by NASA he used colours like silver and white. His first thrust was to introduce tunic pantsuits at a time when women weren’t admitted into many restaurants in trousers. He also designed alien like sunglasses which looked very futuristic and unique, his collection was called Moon Girl.

Futuristic forms were featured in everything from television sets, textiles, lighting and kettles. Edward Craven Walker designed the first lava lamps during the space age and we still have them produced to this day. It’s interesting how things which were designed YEARS ago are still as interesting and ‘wanted’ as much as they were during that period of time.

Fashion and pop stars still do inspire themselves from space such as Lady Gaga. She brought back this weird and futuristic style back.

spyvibe. 2009. mods to moongirls. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 January 14].
vouguepedia. 2010. space age. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 January 14].

1 comment:

  1. Today, vintage lava lamps are highly sought-after items. They can add a touch of retro style to any home. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece for your living room or a fun addition to your child’s bedroom, a vintage lava lamp is sure to make a big impact.
