Monday 13 January 2014


Design for safety

Awareness which started in the 60s with the publication of the book:
“Unsafe at any speed: the designed- in dangers of the American auto mobile” by Ralph Nader 1965

The development of products making them safer to use.
The design of safety equipment such as:

  • Fire extinguishers
  • seat belts
  • air bags
  • smoke alarms.

These are manufactured according to guidelines and standards set by a specialized committee and there standards are included in legislations which govern product design and manufacture. In the toy industry products which comply with the European directives bear the mark CE this enables the products to be exported and imported in the member countries. 

Design for sport

Design for sport involves pushing materials and technologies to their limits. Sport equipment relies on research and development and designs are usually made with the latest computer technologies and in accordance with ergonomic data.
Designs to improve performance – helmets biker safety and etc
lightweight materials
carbon fiber  (helmets)

Design for the third world

The aim to empower developing nations to meet their own needs making economic and environmental sense.

Wobo (world bottle) 1960

Pedal powered washing machines
Motivation wheel chair design for landmine victims making used of locally available components
The hippo

The sierra portable light mat from portable light team. This has flexible solar cells from people around the world for people who don’t have power.

Design for children

reduction of scale results in less weight
Less material
Cheaper to manufacture
Generates less waste

All notes were taking during class.

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