Sunday 19 January 2014

Chart concept 3

Scandinavian Design - Alvar Aalto

Aalto studied architecture in Helsinki later on he worked as an exhibition designer and travelled in Europe because of that. He then established his own office and married the designer Aino Marsio. Together they experimented bending wood. Aalto worked with laminated wood and plywood but then started exploring venner bonding and limitations of moulding plywood with designer Otto Korhonen. All of the experimenting paid of and look beautifully in his curvy wooden chairs: no,41 and the cantilevered no.31 both looked contemporary. His bent wood technique solved problems of connecting vertical to horizontal elements. The legs were attached and there was no need for frame work like before. Because of this technique today we have the L shaped legs.

His designs have organic forms and he believed that rejecting man-made materials like tubular metal with be humanizing. Aalto became one of the leaders of organic design and was higly influential on other designers such as post war designers.

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