Friday 29 November 2013

Frank Iloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright was first known as an architect though he was also a design theorist.he was interested in Japanese architecture combined with Sullivan's influence to produce a style that departed from European ideals and embraced organic design. his characteristics on architecture were, horizontal lines, a tendency to sit low in the landscape, asymmetry, simplicity and use of natural materials.

The Kaufman house better known as the falling water overlaps a stream and as i described before you can see that it has horizontal lines, the design of the house doesn't 'pop' out of the landscape it looks like it's one and perfectly designed. it's simple and it also has asymmetry, the materials used for the building of this house were wood and stone and reinforced concrete. 

Today we still have buildings built in this shape and form and we still call it contemporary. Through my research i have found a house which reminded me of what Lloyd believed in by making the house merge into its surroundings.

As you can see it's form is exactly how Lloyd used to design. It merges right into its surroundings and doesn't look out of place. Its asymmetrical and the materials used for this hows if exactly the same that he used to build. This design belongs to Alexa. 

oiide. 2013. Rectangular Shape Of White Home Design With Swimming Pool Built In Natural Surrounding. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 13].
thames & hudson, T & H, 2004. design since 1900. 2nd ed. singapore: c.s graphics.


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